What are you using for your marketing operations right now? If you are like a lot of companies, you are focusing on your digital marketing, and perhaps even your direct mail marketing to reach more customers. While they are essential for successful marketing efforts today, you can’t forget about apparel and promotional products. They can be a great way to elevate your marketing and to become truly memorable.
If you aren’t sure whether promotional products are a good solution for your brand or not, consider the following benefits. You’ll soon see that when you are using them the right way, they can do a lot for you. Let’s explore some of the best reasons to start using these products, and then learn how to use them properly for the best results.
Raise Awareness of Your Brand
Let’s start with the most obvious reason. You want to use promotional items because they are emblazoned with your name and logo. They help to expand the awareness of your brand whenever someone sees them. The only way to get more business is by having more people know about your business in the first place.
While you are doing other marketing to help grow your brand, using promotional items can help more than you might realize. Don’t neglect using them, even if you have a relatively small company right now. Start putting your name and your message in front of people right now with the right promotional products.
Promotional Products Last a Long Time
How long will the email newsletter you send out last? What about the card that you sent your client? Most of the time, they will only last as long as it takes the client to read the mail. They will set it aside and not think of it again, or they might delete the newsletter if there isn’t anything that pertains directly to them. Simply put, as good as those tools can be for marketing, they don’t have the staying power that promotional products offer.
When you have some apparel and promotional products, you’ll find that they tend to have more staying power. If you give someone a t-shirt, they are likely to keep it and wear it occasionally even if it’s just around the house or to run to the grocery store. Give them a pen, and they’ll keep it on their desk. Offer a magnet, and it’s likely to go onto the refrigerator.
Simply put, they keep these items for much longer. This means they are exposed to your brand each time that they use the item. It keeps you fresh in their mind. Not only that, but when they use the items, other people will see your brand, as well, which raises brand awareness even further.
Of course, this is predicated on having quality promotional products that will last. You don’t want low-quality items that end up getting tossed or recycled in a week or two.
Reach Your Audience and Connect with Them
Promotional products allow you to reach out to your audience and connect with them in ways that other marketing is not always able to achieve. By offering these products, it can help to influence their decision whether they have bought from you in the past or not. They see the products, they learn more about your service, and this starts to build more trust with them.
The next time they need the type of product or service you offer, who do you think they will consider? They are going to go with the brand that has made a larger impact on their life recently—your company.
Of course, this means that you need to have more to offer than just promo items. You need to be sure you can meet and exceed their expectations with whatever it is you offer, as well as your customer service. The promotional products, like other elements of your marketing operation, are what can help to open the door and get the customers to pay attention. After that, you still have to wow them with what you can provide.
Need Promotional Products!
Promotional Products Are Cost-Effective
Here’s something that many companies don’t realize. It’s a lot more affordable to get started with promotional products than they think, as long as they are choosing a quality company. The cost of the items comes down the more you order with most companies. Buying products in bulk can help you save money on your marketing.
Of course, you need to be sure that the products are worth your time to begin with. Ordering a small quantity first is always a good idea, as it will let you see the overall quality you are getting. It’s better to spend a bit more for better quality than to go with the cheapest option. After all, if a customer gets a pen that leaks on their shirt or if they get a branded folder that falls apart, their opinion of your company is going to below.
When you find a company you like, check the prices and see if it might be possible to get a discount when larger quantities are ordered.
You Can Use Promotional Products for Targeted Marketing
It is possible to reach a specific audience when you use promotional items. For example, if you know that some of your clients are into golf, you can look for promo items that are somehow related to the sport. The same would be true of any other activity you know your customers and clients enjoy.
Don’t just think about what they would enjoy, but also think about what would be practical and useful for them. For example, if you are going to have a booth at a convention, you can be sure that a lot of other companies will be giving out swag. Therefore, you might want to provide some promotional tote bags. People can pick up a bag from your booth and use it for all of the other items they have to carry around or freebies they get. Your logo will be on the outside of the bag for everyone to see.
By providing them with items that they like and will use, it increases the chance of them keeping the product. It also ensures that the item will do a better job at marketing your company.
They Are Memorable
Here’s something else that branded apparel and promotional products can do for you. They can make your company memorable. The right products will stand out from the crowd. People will remember where they got the item, and this means they will remember your company. Marketing is about being remembered, so when the time comes to buy, you are the first company that comes to mind.
Of course, you want to be remembered for something good. Again, you need to be sure you are choosing quality items to use for your promotional products. Otherwise, you will be remembered as a company synonymous with poor quality.
You Can Use Them for Many Purposes
Think about all of the ways that you can use these items. You can give them out at conventions and tradeshows, as well as local events that you are attending. You can give them out at your own conferences, and meetings with vendors and clients, and you can even use them around your office. They could be part of a giveaway, they could be sent to your customers through the mail, and so much more.
People Enjoy Getting Free Items
Of course, one of the best reasons to use promotional items is because it appeals to people. Everyone likes to get something free, and they are going to willingly stand in line to pick up a keychain, a water bottle, headphones, a shirt, or anything else that you decide to give away. They don’t want to miss out. People are clamoring for what is essentially marketing material. This doesn’t tend to happen with most other types of marketing items unless it’s a coupon with a hefty discount!
This doesn’t mean that everyone who gets one of your items will become a customer tomorrow or next week. It does mean that you have a greater chance of reaching more people and that with that extended reach, you will start to get more clients. Even those who may have gotten a promo product a month or several months ago may still be using it. They will see your name regularly, and when they need a product or service that you offer, chances are good that they will choose you.
It’s Easy to Get Started
Here’s another reason to get started with promotional items. It’s easier than it has ever been. You can find online companies like FuseBox One that can offer a range of products, and it’s easy to upload your logo and other information that you want to be printed on the merchandise. It doesn’t take long, it’s affordable, and you can get everything up and running in just a short time.
Given all of the benefits that using apparel and promotional products can offer, it makes sense to try it out. You won’t have to invest much time or money, but it can lead to some great results.
Be Sure to Use the Right Promotional Products
Of course, you need to be sure you are using the right products for your business. Not only do you need to think about quality, but you also need to think about the types of products that would appeal to your audience. There are certain go-to items that always work well, such as pens and tote bags—people can never get enough.
However, if you are going to expand your offerings into other types of products, think about whether it would be something that your audience would find beneficial. If there are products that are fun, but your audience has no interest in them, they aren’t going to provide you with as many marketing benefits.
You Can Start Small and Expand on Your Apparel and Promotional Products
If you are excited about getting started with promotional products, you should temper your excitement for just a moment. It can be easy to get carried away and start putting your logo on every promotional product available, but this is not always a great idea. Remember, you want the right types of products. Additionally, you should start small and see how the products work for you and what kind of business they can drive.
Once you see how well they work, you can order more of the product and then start branching out into other products. Slowly add to the types of products you use and pay attention to which ones are and aren’t working for you. Make adjustments as needed, just as you would with any of your other marketing operations.
This way, you won’t end up with a warehouse filled with items that just aren’t pulling their weight in the marketing department.
Choose a Great Company for Your Promotional Products
Now, you just need to find a company that provides high-quality promotional products. This is not always easy because there are so many companies offering this type of service today. What you need to do is think about quality first. You need high-quality options, and this is why we suggested ordering small quantities first. You also need to think about the range of available products and, of course, the price of the products.
Finally, look to see what other types of services the company offers. FuseBox One, for example, offers far more than just great promotional products. You will also find a full commercial printing service, and even warehousing and logistics. They can hold the products at their warehouse and then ship them out for you if needed.
Additionally, they have a full marketing management platform that can make handling all of your marketing operations much easier. Check out their features and services to see whether they might be the right fit for you.
Resources: https://www.vikingtrophies.com/t-reasons-for-promotional-products.aspx