Brand Management

Posted by Dave Healy on August 4, 2020
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Brand Management and Why You Need Professional Brand Management Solutions

Brand management is a very broad term that includes a lot of different tools, tactics, and strategies related to marketing and building brand authority. Essentially, it will create a roadmap for managing, organizing, and understanding your brand as an entity, and not just a logo or a catchy tagline. This requires the use of proper branding techniques and tools to make sure that the brand is effectively portrayed and transmitted across all channels and to all audiences.

First, of course, you need to understand the basics of branding and brand management. For starters, let’s look at the difference between a brand and branding as an action.

Your brand is the idea. Branding is how you transmit that idea to the general public, including your potential customers, competition, and others. By taking advantage of professional brand management services, you are giving your brand the chance to develop deep-rooted bonds with its audience and create value in long-term relationships.

Now that you understand this, we can dig further into the essential parts of brand management, along with the steps for effectively managing your identity across all platforms and channels.

The Pillars of Brand Management

Although the entirety of this process is a huge framework of working parts, three main components will impact the success of any branding strategy. Understanding these and developing them effectively will often make or break your success in this regard.

Brand Identity

Even if you think you have a solid idea of your brand and what it conveys, it may be missing the mark in a few areas. When you employ the assistance of professionals, you will get a good look at what your brand conveys. Plus, you’ll get assistance in revamping your brand in a way that puts you ahead of the competition in all of your marketing efforts. Your brand needs to stay current, just like the rest of your business.

Brand Communication

The right message is as important as the right marketing vehicle and having effective communication strategies in place will ensure that you are always sending the best information at the best time. Communicating with customers is critical to brand success, but you have to do it in the right way, at the right time, and with the right material. A proper communication strategy will guarantee that the right channels are used and that the marketing messages that are used add value and give the buyers the insight and resources they need to make informed decisions.

Brand Promotion

One of the biggest elements of brand management is building the brand’s visibility and creating a bigger awareness of the name. As such, brand promotion is crucial in any brand management campaign. Marketing professionals can assist you in determining where you should be promoting your brand and which methods will be most effective. They can even incorporate advanced digital media and access a variety of channels to promote your brand to every possible audience.

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Steps to Effective Brand Management

Although the exact process will be different for everyone, there are certain steps in setting up the best management strategy for any brand. By understanding these basic elements, it will be easier for you to work with a marketing operations partner to develop your own management plan that will keep your brand growing in popularity, authority, and visibility well into the future. To build your perfect strategy, you need to include all of the elements below.

  1. Define Goals

You can’t achieve your branding goals and get your target audience’s attention if you don’t know what that means. The first thing that you will need to do is define your business, your brand, and what you hope to get out of brand management. You'll want to look at your company’s core values, the mission, and the quality and specialization of your products or services. It’s also important to investigate your target market and consider how that will impact your goals and branding efforts.

  1. Position Your Brand

You can’t get started until you know where you stand. After all, it’s hard to make a plan to move forward when you don’t know what direction that might be. Take the time to set yourself apart from the competitors and come up with a unique value proposition that goes above and beyond answering the needs of your consumers. It's about more than logos and colors that will get people’s attention. It's about creating an unshakeable place in the market for your brand with the right positioning tools and strategies.

You can position your brand based on several elements, including things like quality, price or value, competition, and even the benefits of your product or service.

  1. Promotion

This is a step that everyone is more familiar with, although they might not realize that it takes a little work to get to this point. Once your goals and position have been established, you will be able to decide on how to best promote your brand, using both traditional advertising and digital marketing methods. Creating a custom promotion strategy is critical to making sure that your brand is appropriately marketed to the right audiences and in the right formats.

  1. Personalization

Today's consumer doesn’t want just another brand. They don’t want to buy a product from a company. They want a personal relationship and they want a brand that has been slightly humanized so that they feel like they’re making a connection. Personalizing your brand allows you to give customers exactly that. The best way to do this is by creating interactive campaigns and opportunities for brand engagement at the customer level that makes them feel like they’re getting a personalized, dedicated approach from a brand that they can rely on.

  1. Brand Monitoring

Once your branding efforts are put into place, that doesn’t mean the work is done. Your company is going to go through many phases and transitions over the years, including new challenges and opportunities. All of this could impact your branding strategies and overall goals. Fortunately, with appropriate monitoring in place, you will be able to review the metrics and keep an eye on changes that could impact your success and require a revisit to the brand management strategy.

The Benefits of Brand Management

Aside from the obvious benefit of having a stronger brand presence and a better reputation, there are plenty of perks to brand management.

  • Customer Commitment: When you have a well-defined brand and a solid brand management strategy in place, your customers will notice. This will cause them to come to rely on your brand and commit to you as a lifelong customer.
  • The Big Picture: You will have a better chance to get a “big picture” view of what is going on in your business and how your brand is growing in the market. When a solid brand management strategy is in place, you’ll be able to turn those dreams into actionable goals and watch your business evolve as a result.
  • Credibility and Authority: When you have a solid, well-defined, and well-managed brand, it lends far more credibility and authority to your company. That sense of authority is going to lend itself to confidence, which will make it easier for you to move forward in the rest of your marketing efforts.
  • Consistency: If there is one thing that consumers hate, it’s companies that can’t deliver a consistent brand message. This is often a result of poor or no brand management, which is less common than it used to be. However, it’s still such a concern that it bears mentioning. When you employ the right brand management services, you can guarantee consistent branding and marketing across all mediums, channels, and marketing strategies.
  • Customer Confidence: If you have a well-managed brand that is confident and presents itself in an unwavering fashion, that will likely translate to add confidence for potential customers and increase the likelihood of them converting into a sale.

Tips for Effective Brand Management

While your marketing operations partner should be taking care of most of your branding efforts, there will be a little bit of work involved on your end. The most that you’ll have to do is keep up with the industry and know where your branding stands, but that’s still a large part of the process. To be effective at managing your brand, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Transparent communication is a must. To make the most of your big picture efforts, you need to make sure that the smallest details are communicated at all levels. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and that every employee will be able to be a better voice for your brand as a result.
  • Leverage your USP. Every brand needs a Unique Selling Proposition, which was mentioned above briefly. This is the thing that sets you apart from the rest and gives consumers that one irrefutable reason to do business with your brand. If you don’t have a strong USP that you can leverage, you’re not going to be making the most of your branding efforts.
  • Keep up with PR networks and traditional media channels. Online marketing and hitting where it’s hot are both important strategies, but there is a lot to be said for classic media and marketing tools that often get overlooked.
  • Be careful with social media. Leveraging social media is a great way to build your brand. However, there is a right and a wrong way to go about it. Make sure that your primary focus is on building relationships and giving people the peace of mind that they want. Your goal is to create a positive forum for feedback and consumer engagement. This may require a different strategy for different channels, but it’s an integral part of your success today.
  • Stay agile and relevant. There are going to be several temporary issues and changing issues that need to be addressed over time. Rather than being on constant alert, you can implement brand management solutions that are agile and designed to help you stay relevant, no matter what is going on in the economy or with your brand overall.
  • Your brand is everywhere. Remember that. Your brand is going to include your website design, your social media persona, company culture, logo, and other elements. The more of these you have, the more pointed of an impression you can make. However, it doesn’t take a small fortune to make the right impression. It just takes some creativity and a lot of research.

What are the Characteristics of a Strong Brand?

There are many different ways to brand your business, but you should always be focused on making a strong, powerful impression and leaving a lasting impact. Because of the nature of branding and marketing operations, what sets a brand apart and makes it memorable isn’t usually just one thing. It's a combination of various elements.

Think about some of the most notable brands out there today. Which ones first come to mind for you? What makes you think of them or how do you associate with the brand? Is the feeling positive or negative? The biggest goal of any branding strategy or brand management service is to ensure that everyone has a positive association with the brand. This positivity will lead to repeat business and maybe even a few referrals here and there.

A strong brand will have a clearly designed USP or value proposition, and it will be able to articulate exactly what people can expect from the organization. As we stated at the beginning, it’s less about whether you should do this, and more about how much longer you’re going to put it off. Start now by taking the time to figure out what makes brands strong and then apply those elements to your brand.

When you have a strong brand, you are going to attract better customers. You might even attract some better talent, which means that your company will be able to continue to grow and thrive. In today’s uncertain world, having a strong, reliable brand is more valuable than ever. Instead of wondering whether or not you need one, consider how you can use your branding to reach your audience and make a positive impact. That's what will prove yours to be a strong brand.

Get Your Brand Management Service Started Now

With FuseBox One, you can count on all of the best management and marketing operations solutions available today. We know what it takes to create and maintain a strong brand while also catering to the ever-changing consumer interest in various products and services.

Schedule a free demo of our brand management and other marketing operations & sales enablement management solutions to see how we can help you get the most out of your branding and other efforts. We’ve got a full selection of customizable platforms and tools that can be integrated to take your brand to the next level.

Call FuseBox One today to discuss your brand management needs and find out what we can do to take your brand from ho-hum to a household name.

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Topics: Digital Asset Management, Brand, Brand Compliance