Channel Marketing Mix: Strategies, Tips, and Best Practices

Posted by Cole Scott on June 19, 2024
In the fast-paced world of marketing, understanding and effectively utilizing the channel marketing mix is crucial for success. Channel marketing ...
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Topics: Blog, Marketing Asset Management, MarTech, Distributive Marketing, Distribution Marketing, Channel Marketing

The Secrets of Effective Distribution Channels in Marketing

Posted by Cole Scott on May 21, 2024
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Topics: Blog, MarTech, Sales Enablement, Distributive Marketing, Distribution Marketing, Channel Marketing

Distributive Marketing For Insurance Companies

Posted by Cole Scott on April 19, 2024
Discover how distributed marketing can benefit insurance companies in bridging the gap between corporate marketing and local sales channels.
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Topics: Digital Asset Management, DAM, Marketing Asset Management, MarTech, Brand Compliance, Distributive Marketing, Distribution Marketing

What is Distributed Marketing or Distribution Marketing

Posted by Cole Scott on January 11, 2024
Distributed Marketing/Distribution Marketing: Centralized, Easily Distributed, and Cohesive Marketing is essential for all businesses, nonprofits, ...
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Topics: Marketing Asset Management, MarTech, Brand Compliance, Marcom

Why Digital Asset Management Is A Companion to Small Business

Posted by Cole Scott on January 26, 2023
As a small business owner, you may feel like you are treading water when you compare your company against the larger, older businesses in your field. ...
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Topics: Blog, Digital Asset Management, DAM, Marketing Asset Management, MarTech, Marketing Operations

Want A Thriving Business? Focus On MARKETING OPERATIONS!

Posted by Cole Scott on January 12, 2023
As a business owner, you want your business to thrive in its niche. But all businesses face competition, and each year the market only seems to get ...
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Topics: Blog, Digital Asset Management, DAM, Marketing Asset Management, MarTech, Brand, Marketing Operations, Business Intelligence, Franchise Marketing

Signs You Need Sales Enablement Solutions

Posted by Jeff Stein on November 23, 2022
Do you think that your business is operating as efficiently as it could be? Are your employees actually using the resources available to them? Are ...
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Topics: MarTech, Sales Enablement, Sales Asset Management, Sales Collateral, Asset Workflow

12 Questions You Might Be Afraid to Ask About MarTech

Posted by Chris Wheeler on September 28, 2022
You want to create a successful marketing platform for your business, but you don't know where to begin. Someone told you that you need to invest in ...
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Topics: MarTech, Marketing Operations, Marketing Automation

Interesting Digital Asset Management Facts!

Posted by Cole Scott on August 17, 2022
We live in a digital world. Everything from communicating with friends to ordering groceries can now be done online. It stands to reason that more ...
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Topics: Digital Asset Management, DAM, MarTech, Marketing Operations

MarTech Tools 2022: Predictions

Posted by Chris Wheeler on June 13, 2022
Trends in business change. To stay relevant, it’s essential to study the trends and incorporate those that make sense for your business. Your ...
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Topics: MarTech

Keys to Success: 5 MARKETING KPIs You Should Be Measuring

Posted by Cole Scott on May 25, 2022
Business owners want to see their businesses succeed. That's just common sense! But how do you really know that your employees are hitting the ...
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Topics: DAM, MarTech, Sales Enablement, Marketing Operations, Marcom, Business Intelligence

Improve Your Marketing and Branding with the Right Tools

Posted by Dave Healy on March 16, 2022
Two of the areas where many companies, both fledgling and experienced, tend to falter are with their marketing and branding efforts. These two ...
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Topics: DAM, Marketing Asset Management, MarTech, Sales Enablement, Marketing Operations

Most Important Things to Look for With a Warehousing Partner

Posted by Chris Wheeler on January 17, 2022
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Topics: Digital Asset Management, DAM, MarTech, Marketing Operations, Marcom

Most Important Things to Look for With a Marketing Management Platform

Posted by Chris Wheeler on December 22, 2021
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Topics: Digital Asset Management, DAM, MarTech, Marketing Operations, Marcom

10 of the Top Benefits of Using a Marketing Management Platform

Posted by Jeff Stein on October 27, 2021
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Topics: Digital Asset Management, DAM, MarTech, Marketing Operations, Marcom

Three Sectors of Marketing & Why Streamlined Marketing Ops Is a Value

Posted by Cole Scott on October 13, 2021
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Topics: Digital Asset Management, DAM, MarTech, Marketing Operations, Marcom

Sales Enablement and Why It Needs an Amazon Experience

Posted by Cole Scott on September 22, 2021
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Topics: DAM, Marketing Asset Management, MarTech, Sales Enablement, Salesforce

What Makes a Tool Part of a MarTech Stack

Posted by Cole Scott on July 27, 2021
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Topics: Digital Asset Management, DAM, Marketing Asset Management, MarTech

The Benefits of Online File Sharing

Posted by Chris Wheeler on July 13, 2021
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Topics: Digital Asset Management, DAM, Marketing Asset Management, MarTech

Steps to Successful Technology Adoption

Posted by Dave Healy on June 29, 2021
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Topics: Digital Asset Management, DAM, MarTech, Technology adaption

Practical Ways Your Business Can Reuse Existing Assets

Posted by Chris Wheeler on June 15, 2021
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Topics: Digital Asset Management, DAM, Marketing Asset Management, MarTech

Level Up Your Sales and Marketing Content and Workflow

Posted by Cole Scott on May 4, 2021
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Topics: MarTech, Sales Enablement, Sales Collateral, Asset Workflow

Tips to Decrease Spending with MarTech

Posted by Cole Scott on March 26, 2021
Marketing technology, often called MarTech, helps businesses achieve their various marketing goals and objectives. There are many types of marketing ...
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Topics: MarTech, Marketing Operations

What to Look for in a DAM Platform

Posted by Dave Healy on March 12, 2021
Digital assets are essential for most companies today but organizing and managing all of those assets can be difficult. This is particularly true for ...
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Topics: Digital Asset Management, DAM, Marketing Asset Management, MarTech

Marketing Technology Amid an Ongoing Pandemic

Posted by Cole Scott on March 1, 2021
Businesses of all types have been affected by the pandemic over the last year. Some companies have closed their doors while others have found ways t ...
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Topics: MarTech, Marketing Operations, Pandemic